
University of Toronto, Rehabilitation Science, seminar facilitation, Enabling Occupation with Adults, annually

Aphasia Institute, Train the Trainer, Bringing Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™) to the World, bi-annually.

Journal Articles

Kagan, A., Shumway, E., & MacDonald, S. (2020) Assumptions about decision-making and aphasia: ethical implications and impact. Seminars in Speech and Language, 41/3, 221-231
Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., Shumway, E., Victor, J.C., & Chan, L. (2020) Development and evaluation for the Basic Outcome Measure Protocol for Aphasia (BOMPA). International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, July, 1-7

Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., & Shumway, E. (2018) A set of observational measures for rating support and participation in conversation between adults with aphasia and their conversation partners. Toronto, ON: Aphasia Institute.  Retrieved from: https://www.aphasia.ca/home-page/health-care-professionals/resources-and-tools/mscpc/

Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., Rowland, A., Huijibregts, M., Shumway, E., McEwan, S., Threats, T., Sharp, S. (2007)
Counting what counts: A framework for capturing real-life outcomes of aphasia intervention. Aphasiology, Vol. 22/3, 258-280

E-Learning and Video Training

Aphasia Institute

Introduction to Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™)​​: https://aphasia.ca/home-page/healyh-care-profrssionals/knowledgr-exchange/

Aphasia Access

LPAA 101 In Action (Training Video Series)
LPAA Core Values (Training Video Series)

Presentations (2006 – to present)

American Speech, Language, and Hearing Annual Convention – 2020

San Diego, California (cancelled)
Kagan, A., Shumway, E. & Macdonald, S. Capacity Assessments and Practical Communication Support Strategies for Aphasia: A Moral Imperative for Speech-Language Pathologists (Proposal accepted)

Shumway, E. & Kagan, A., & Cohen-Schneider, R. Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia: Techniques to Enable Participation in Essential Health Care Conversations (Proposal accepted)

        American Speech, Language, and Hearing Annual Convention – 2019

Orlando, Florida
Shumway, E., Draimin, R., Kagan, A., Cohen-Schneider, R.
Introduction to Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia: Advocating for Communicative Access to Inter-professional Services

Clinical Aphasiology Conference – 2019

Whitefish, Montana
Simmons-Mackie, N., Kagan, A., Shumway, E., Le Dorze, G., Chan, L.
Communicating with People with Aphasia in Acute Care: Staff and Family Perspectives

Third Aphasia Access Leadership Summit – 2019

Baltimore, Maryland
Shumway, E.
Communication Intermediaries: Providing Support to People with Aphasia in Police, Legal, and Justice Situations Simmons-Mackie, N., Kagan, A., Shumway, E., Le Dorze, G., Chan, L.
Needs of Family Members of People with Aphasia in Acute Care

Elder Abuse Ontario and Ontario Brain Injury Association, GTA Regional Conference ​​​​- 2018

Toronto, Ontario
Shumway, E.
Communication Intermediaries: Providing Communicative Access to Justice

Aphasia Access Virtual Conference​​​​​​​ – 2018

Cohen-Schneider, R. and Shumway, E.
Working Together to Create Communicative Access: Tools and Strategies

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention​​ – 2016

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Shumway, E., Low, Catherine, Kagan, A., Cohen-Schneider, R.
An Introduction to Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia:
Methods and Applications to Patient Education and Health Literacy

Stroke Collaborative – 2012

Toronto, Ontario
Shumway, E.
Using the ‘Teach-Back’ Method to Communicate Health Information​​​ 

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Challenges and Controversies in Treatment​​ – 2010

Rehabilitation Institute
Shumway, E.
The Contribution of Speech-Language Pathology Services in the Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Living Successfully with Aphasia​​​​​​​​ – 2007

Toronto, Ontario
Shumway, E. and Kagan, A.
Advocacy Leading to a Community of Practice in Communicative Access and Aphasia

Vocational Outcomes in Traumatic Brain Injury​​​​​​ – 2007

Vancouver, British Columbia
M. Bassilious-Samy, M. Feldman, E. Shumway, D. Dawson
Validation of a Canadian Return to Work Model for Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention ​​- 2006

Miami Beach, Florida
Kagan, A. and Shumway, E.
Communicative Access in Long Term Care:  A Pictographic Residents’ Bill of Rights


Working Together Series​​​​​​​​​ – 2010
Topics in Health and Daily Living​​​
Sanson, L., Shumway, E. Cohen-Schneider, R., Kagan, A.,
Talking to Your Case Manager ​​​​​​​​- 2003
Kagan, A. and Shumway, E.
Talking to Your Counsellor or Chaplain​​​​​​​ – 2003
(An interactive resource for people and their health practitioners)
Kagan, A. and Shumway, E.
Talking to Your Doctor: Help Your Doctor to Help You​​​​​ – 2003
(An interactive resource for people and their health practitioners)
Kagan, A. and Shumway, E.
Talking to Your Nurse​​​​​​​​​ – 2003
(An interactive resource for people and their health practitioners)
Kagan, A. and Shumway, E.
Talking to Your Occupational Therapist​​​​​​​ – 2003
(An interactive resource for people and their health practitioners)
Kagan, A. and Shumway, E. Talking to Your Physiotherapist​​​​​​​​ – 2003
(An interactive resource for people and their health practitioners)
Kagan, A. and Shumway, E.
Pictographic Communication Resources (Manual)​​​​​ – 1996
The Aphasia Centre: North York, Ontario
Kagan, A., Winckle, J., Shumway, E.